Joe Goes To THE PHILIPPINES (Part 1 of 4)

Interviews n Manila and Makati, consisting of a jeepney motorist!
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PART 2 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuPwmFk-WZ0
WATCH MORE JOE GOES – http://bit.ly/Rq912L
PART 3 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huWDOGFcTxY
PART 4 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Org3nlDImu0
New videos every Wednesday & Thursday.
Shot by Jason Moll – https://www.behance.net/JasonMoll
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Tomorrow: Joe Goes To THE PHILIPPINES (Part 2).
Video Rating:/ 5
if you didnt grab a wife over there I'm concerned for your mental health
hehe this guy is funnay…
or maybe a dog.
welcome is meaning of mabuhay wow galing mo brad
this is amazing! It's so cool listening to recommendations of places to go by real people from the place! It makes me want to visit!
so sweet
Everybody knows how to speak English :D
"Little bit Tacobell little bit Panda Express." Accurate!!
Joe please please visit indonesia . Omg why philipine and thailand but not indonesia. You disappoint me lmao
Great video! I enjoyed watching you interview all the people. You are quick and witty. The people here are so wonderful. I've decided to stay here forever after living here 2 years.
Your absolutely insane Joe…
The food grows on you but I will never eat Balut. I have a Filipino wife and we live in Marikina.
4:18 nose bleed c ate sa englishh hahahha
You beat him up? Really? You beat him up?
You come in the philippines. Respect the people there. You are entering in a different culture. Not everyday whites are always superior. The guy with the manny pacquiao thing… He could kill you in a minute.
Jeepney! hell yea
he def went went to the red light district..
dumbass boring Whiteboy asking stupid questions…