Hi, I’m Melany. I’m a nonfiction writer, a Chinoy, an atheist, and a mom. This is my first article for The Philippines Web. I will be posting here regularly, and I will cover psychology topics. Why? Because that’s my expertise.
Before I became a full-fledged writer, I was a stay-at-home mom, then I became a psychotherapist (briefly), and then COVID hit. When the pandemic happened, I also hit 40. I asked myself then, “What do I really want to do before I die?” Midlife does that to you. The reality that people were dying left and right underscored that if I wanted to do what I wanted before I died, I better start doing it now.
So, I hung up the lab coat, and I decided I’m going to be a writer. The best writer I could be, the best mom I could be, and the best recovering anorexic too.
Oh, wait, I didn’t mention that. I have anorexia. I’ve had it for a lifetime. I do my best everyday to fight it, and so far, I’m winning.
I write mostly autobiographical stories because I’ve nothing to hide. But my content is not about me, me, me all the time.
I’m going to tell stories of other people with psychological issues, mental issues, and emotional issues. Why not? I’ve seen it all. You want to read this stuff.
So, see you around. Enjoy my articles. I am to entertain, educate, and bare my non-existent soul.
My FB Page, in case you’re curious: https://www.facebook.com/melanyhwriterpsy