November – December are famous months for traffic enforcers in the Philippines taking advantage of drivers in order to rev up extra money for gifts.

We recently encountered a total scheme from the Makati “Blue Boys”, some branch of the MMDA apparently, just trying to get extra money with impromptu and forced smoke emission test at the C-5 road.
Found from netizen: “
Stopped at c-5 for impromptu smoke emission test by Makati Blue Boys, like MMDA officials.
Around 10 men intimidate poor transportation drivers. Taking license and plate numbers away after conducting a fake inspection.
They force you to get out of your vehicle, take the driver’s seat and start stepping on the gas aggressively to make it pollute higher than normal.
Then they show a ticket from a machine saying you didn’t pass the test and the fine will be 1300php.
Good thing I had my recent smoke emission test with me and I called out their bullshit very loudly.
They let me go.
I pity all the drivers that are being abused this way.”
So let’s test ways to expose this behavior and get responses
- e-sumbong
- SMS hotline — 0919-160-1752 (Smart); 0917-847-5757 (Globe)
- email: e-sumbong@pnp.govph
- Facebook facebook.com/OfficialPNPhotline
- Web https://e-sumbong.pnp.gov.ph
- Makati City Hall
- Telephone: (632) 8870-1000
- Fax No.: (632) 8899-8933
- E-Address: makati@makati.gov.ph
- Makati Major
- Makati Police
- Makati Police 8887-1798 / 0929-7936525
- Web https://mmda.gov.ph/ many phones in the Contact US section
- Twitter https://twitter.com/MMDA
- Public Attorney
- Web https://pao.gov.ph/
- Office Address: 4th & 5th Floors DOJ Agencies Building
- NIA Rd. corner East Ave., Diliman, Quezon City
- Hotline: (02) 8929-9436; (02) 84262075; (02) 84262801; (02) 84262450; (02) 84262987; (02) 84262683
- Local 106/107 (Office Hours)
- Local 159 (Outside Office Hours)
- Email. pao_executive@yahoo.com
- Is this activity legal?
- Are they police?
- Can they take away your plates and your license?
Our results
- SMS to PNP hotline Globe on 13 Nov: no reponse yet
- SMS to Makati Police on 13 Nov: no response yet
- Email to Makati Government: no response yet
- Email to Public Attorney: no response yet
- Tweet to Mayora of Makati: no response yet
- Tweet to MMDA: no response yet
- Facebook PNP hotline on 13 Nov: they replied they forward my concern to the Makati Police Station.
- they asked for our name and number so they can call us
- they reply fast even on a Sunday