#HappyALDUBWeeksary Lola Nidora doesn’t seem like getting into the Happy ALDUB Weeksary vibe. She arrives on scene with only the Rogelios in tow. No Paolo. No Jose. The only people she could talk to are at Broadway Centrum. Home of Eat Bulaga. For the Happy ALDUB Weeksary episode. We are joined by Senator Tito Sotto, Joey de Leon and Ryan Agoncillo. And Lola Nidora is worried again at where YayaDUB is.

Out of nowhere, YayaDUB appears and dances to her Dubsmash beats. Lola Nidora almost scolded her. It took forever for her to buy Lola Nidora’s “chewy-bles”. YayaDUB simply handed her one of the “chewy-bles” for Lola Nidora’s maintenance medication. It was here when Senator Tito and Joey openly wondered if YayaDUB was aware of the things that Donya Tidora said. Lola Nidora begged for the Eat Bulaga founding fathers to not tell YayaDUB anything. As she was trying to shush them, the baskets of pili nut goodies arrived. A convenient distraction for Lola Nidora at the Happy ALDUB Weeksary episode.
Lola Nidora checked the package. They were delivered not by the riding in tandem but by different men. (Obviously, just random delivery personnel without anything to do with Lola Nidora’s diary) Shortly, a mini-garden of red roses appeared on the other monitor. It turns out to be Alden. YayaDUB smiled again at seeing him. YayaDUB then wrote “Namiss kita – Maine” on her clipboard. YayaDUB is in a good mood again. Alden obviously prepared for the Happy ALDUB Weeksary episode.
Red roses and some Dubsmash exchange later, Alden mentioned his “pasalubong” for Maine. Alden does not hold it. But it reached YayaDUB just the same. It was the pink hat he was shown buying at the pili nut store. YayaDUB happily wore it. Lola Nidora received more gifts than YayaDUB. But YayaDUB was way happier than Lola Nidora is. Then again, almost nothing satisfies Lola Nidora at this point. The hosts are quick to observe how YayaDUB would end her clipboard messages with “Maine” at the Happy ALDUB Weeksary episode.

From behind where Lola Nidora and YayaDUB stood, Jose Manalo came with the Bernardos. (Some were disappointed that it was Jose and not “someone” else that arrived) He was trying to update Lola Nidora about where Donya Tidora had been. Lola Nidora found it hard to shut him up though. Cash, some items from Alden’s package. She even bribed the Bernardos just so YayaDUB would not know of whatever Donya Tidora tried to say. YayaDUB was bewildered at Lola Nidora’s strange behavior at the Happy ALDUB Weeksary episode.
Alden reminded YayaDUB. Happy ALDUB Weeksary! He then showed his pillow with a printed photo of YayaDUB on the pillow cover. He then sent the other pillow to YayaDUB printed with his own photo. For consolation, he sent a pillow to Lola Nidora too. It had Lola Nidora’s face. YayaDUB was so happy to have something to hug while waiting for the day that she finally meets Alden in person. It’s the closest thing they have for an eyeball. For now. The Happy ALDUB Weeksary served as an opportunity to show Alden as a generous lover. And affectionate person overall. The kind of personality that Lola Nidora is still in denial of liking.

In this vein, Lola Nidora found another reason to not like Alden’s package. It has as many pili nut products as possible. He should have sent some Bicolano dishes too. Like “laing” and “pinangat”. Dishes that contained chilis and coconut milk. Jose somewhat agreed to what Lola Nidora commented. (The wonders of bribery!) She then declared that Alden failed this challenge in the Happy ALDUB Weeksary. And the only way he could make up to that mistake is by going back to Bicol for the “laing” and “pinangat”. Jose also cautioned him that coconut milk makes these dishes quick to spoil. So he better make it quick.
There was a problem though with the challenge. Lola Nidora is undecided as when she wanted the dishes delivered. But she made it clear that if Alden is serious. Alden should deliver the dishes himself. The crowd at Broadway Centrum was jubilant again. If Alden delivers the next package himself to Lola Nidora, it might be another opportunity for him to meet YayaDUB. It was at this point in the Happy ALDUB Weeksary episode that Jose received a phone call.

Jose could not contain his shock. He talked loud enough to get Lola Nidora paranoid again. The caller was Donya Tidora. She told Jose that the third sister has been found. After scouring all of the television and radio programs, the third sister has been found. Lola Nidora wanted her sister to get lost again. Also she tried to tone down Jose’s voice. YayaDUB might hear him.
YayaDUB was looking at Lola Nidora and Jose. She then wrote on the clipboard “Ano bang meron?” (What is going on?) Lola Nidora then reiterated what she told YayaDUB early in the Happy ALDUB Weeksary episode. That she will believe nothing and no one but Lola Nidora only. She promised her unlimited internet connection, new gadgets, anything. Anything to keep YayaDUB happy. Too bad it does not include Alden. For now.

Pili nuts for Lola Nidora. A pink hat and a pillow for YayaDUB. Then it was revealed the level of preparations that Alden went through for the Happy ALDUB Weeksary episode. Rose petals neatly arranged to show a heart and the letters formed. The letters spelled out the words “ALDUB You”. It was the ALDUB way of saying “I love you”. Alden maximized all efforts available for him to express his love for YayaDUB. He topped it off with a bouquet of white roses for YayaDUB. With less restrictions from Lola Nidora, the only thing left for her to do is pinch YayaDUB.
With Lola Nidora getting too preoccupied with the family affair, would this mean more leniency towards ALDUB? Everyone is still guessing whether the next package delivery would mean Alden meeting YayaDUB finally in person. And no one will know when that day comes unless you are consistently tuned in to Eat Bulaga. Monday to Saturday at noontime. Like their official Facebook page, Eat Bulaga, for the Happy ALDUB Weeksary episode replay. Follow them on Twitter too @EatBulaga.
Happy ALDUB Weeksary to Alden and YayaDUB. And to the entire ALDUB nation too. Everyone is itching for updates and recaps like the articles published here. So following us on our social media accounts would be much appreciated. Like our official Facebook page, The Philippines Web. And follow us on Twitter @pinasamazing. Much appreciated.