The call center job refusal of a certain “jobless graduate” went viral on social media. It irked the business process outsourcing (BPO) community the moment the Facebook post got a screenshot. Making screenshots have become common on social media since most netizens would post statuses before realizing the level of vitriol in the post.

Why would the person posting the call center job refusal be nameless in this article? Because of a previous incident involving a Thai national. He bashed Filipinos working in the call center industry. Thinking that Filipinos are a race beneath his level. He went as far as calling them “PIGNOYS”. And he did it several times on his Facebook page. Screenshots were made. The BPO community is up in arms. And the next thing the netizens knew, the Thai national was deported back to his country. That is after posting a public apology.
Another reason is that according to iWeb.ph, his Facebook page introduces himself as a “blogger”. In other words, he needed an audience to capture for whatever he has to say as a person practicing his right of speech. On whether the aforementioned Facebook page still exists is for you to find out. Let his call center job refusal not turn this into a manhunt. Rather this website would prefer focusing on the unpleasant attitude showed to call center employees.
Not all call center employees fell into this job because there is no other job available today. Like the Facebook status poster in question, some of them earned 5-year degree courses. One of the first 5-year degrees that come to mind is Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Communications Engineering. The other 5-year degree is Information Technology. But not all schools offer this course as a 5-year course. Still, these courses are the kind of degrees with subjects applicable for Technical Support Representatives. Being a Technical Support Representative is not just about being technologically advanced. It is also about using the said knowledge to help customers calling in. So a call center job refusal might mean missing the boat on using their technological knowledge for “newbies” calling in.
These customers call in whenever they don’t understand the intricacies of their gadgets. Or whenever the internet service provider’s internet connection is too slow. Or some parts on their desktop computer that they mistook for a coffee cup holder. Yes. It meant educating the customers too about the difference between a coffee cup holder and a DVD slot. Certain jokes have been proliferated out of these brain-busting issues that customers call in about. From knowing what a power-cycle is to updating software. And usually, Technical Support Representatives are the folks handling the advanced issues after the frontline Customer Care Associates (or Customer Service Representatives) have tried all the basic troubleshooting solutions and still no solution in sight.
And the issue about the aforementioned call center job refusal gets connected to becoming Customer Care Associates. Customer Care Associates answer the basic calls.
Customers get to them first before it becomes apparent that he or she is bent on canceling the service. Like credit card or internet service provider or cable channel subscription, to name a few. Customer Care Associates are the first line of “defense” whenever the aforementioned gadget issues arise too. Most gadgets have known issues. There will always be issues that come with buying a new gadget. And after-sales service meant that the company would still be there for you even after the purchase is made. In this vein, when you have some issues with your gadget, you call the provided 1-800 number on the kit or box that contains the gadget. Why did we go to this extent to explain the intricacies when it is just about someone’s call center job refusal?
Because according to AuxBreak.com, the call center job refusal involved that of being a data analyst. It does not always mean a call center job i.e. Taking calls on the floor. The misconception about data is it’s all about zeroes and codes. It is not all about zeroes and codes encrypted on the computer. It meant analyzing data to help business cut costs, plan budgets or as AuxBreak.com said “make better business decisions”. It sounds a little like an auditing job. If this kid is already insulted with a data analyst job offer, what more if the job offered is that of a Customer Care Associate? He might have posted worse stuff on his Facebook page. Possibly more vitriolic stuff after a call center job refusal.
Unemployment is still prevalent in Philippine society. And sometimes it’s people like the person who posted his call center job refusal that cause the unemployment. No one is indispensable. You would be surprised at how some professionals would leave their comfortable corporate jobs after making sure that succession plans have been put in place. And you would be surprised too at how many professionals got into the slammer. Thinking they are above everyone else and is entitled to all of the riches of the world. Earning a college degree is good. But it’s only the beginning of the career you choose afterwards. Your attitude, not your college degree, will speak more about your ability to handle any job. So you can file that call center job refusal somewhere in your closet. Look back at it a year afterwards. Ask yourself if your career went somewhere after you let your ego get the better of you.
Want to dispel the myths and misconceptions surrounding the call center industry? Don’t let a simple call center job refusal blind you. All you need is to find a legitimate company to join into. Then decide on your own if this career is worth pursuing after graduation. In this vein, we refer you to like the official Facebook page of The Call Center Show. And join the animated discussions by following their YouTube account, Brown Skin Media.
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