Time to stop excuses because even a beggar in the Philippines can retire rich with this method.
guest post by Kuya Manzano
This works for everybody. Does that mean everybody will achieve it? No. Why? Because most people will not take action or follow these simple instructions.

I wanna thank my ex-staff waiter who didn’t have money to buy food, or travel to work, but did have daily money to buy cigarettes. He didn’t love himself enough to take care of his job or body, but he did hurt himself physically and financially every day. He gave me this idea.

How much did he spend every day smoking? 35 PHP.
How much is that in a month? 1,050 PHP.
How much is that in a year? 12,775 PHP.
So he doesn’t have money for food, but he spends almost 13k a year in a vice that hurts himself, and others, and dirties the street and venues he smokes in.
The normal working life of most people is 40 years. That is 511,000 PHP thrown into the garbage!!!

So. Everyone in the Philippines has 35 PHP a day. A waiter has that, a mechanic has that, even a beggar has that! When I walk in the streets for an hour I find half of that in coins on the floor myself.
So everybody can save 35 PHP a day. Most will smoke it, spend it on a beer, buy load for data, buy a doughnut, etc. Or won’t even know where the money goes every month.

Half a million pesos invested in the stock market with compound interest during 40 years of regular working life becomes approximately 3.5M PHP.
So… every Filipino can retire as a millionaire. That is a good amount for most of the population of the Philippines who live on the poverty line.
Most Filipinos will die poor. But all could retire rich if they followed this model and invested only 35php a day since they started working.
Why am I writing this article in the middle of the night and for free? Because I just want to help people out there who read this, can share it with someone who needs it, use it for their own benefit… I just want to help by teaching others how to make money. Teach how to fish, instead of giving the fish.
How? It sounds complicated!… No, no, no. It is pretty simple actually.
Step 1 – Start saving 35 PHP a day in your piggy bank, Gcash acc., Paymaya acc., normal bank acc., any place.
Step 2 – Open for free a trading account at BDO, BPI, Metrosec, COL Financial.
Step 3 – Put your savings in your trading account.

OK, let’s pause here. This is investing money. This is not money you need to withdraw to buy groceries. Investing money is for your future self, not for your present self even if there is a birthday, wedding, or any kind of emergency.
Your investing money is money you don’t need for living or spending. This is your effort, your 35 PHP, your future millions. If you touch it, the system won’t work for you, and all your efforts will be wasted.

Step 4 – Decide what stock you want to buy. Don’t listen to salesmen, don’t listen to social media, do your own research.
There are many stocks to decide from. Learn which stocks give pay yearly cash dividends and which ones don’t. Get one that pays.
There are big companies and small companies in the stock market. Go for one that is big, famous, old. The one that will still be there in the future when you retire. They call them Blue Chips, examples are: Meralco, Jollibee, BDO, Ayala companies, etc.
Step 5 – You decided what company, now decide how much you will invest (how many stocks and at what price). And you place the order.

Does this sound complicated? Need more details? Hopefully, I can come back and make a more detailed step-by-step article in future collaborations. For now, just do the steps in order and if you get stuck you can contact me on any social media channel as Kuya Manzano. I read and reply to messages personally every day. I will love to help you.
Don’t try to do a step if you didn’t complete the step before it.

Does it sound simple? Does it sound exciting? Will you take action?
Your life depends on every action you take, don’t leave it up to luck.