#ALDUBMaiDenHeaven The ALDUB MaiDen Heaven episode comes at the heels of another challenge. Lola Nidora was not content with the pili nut package that Alden bought from Bicol. She wanted more. She wanted authentic Bicolano laing and pinangat straight from the Bicol peninsula. The next batch of packages earned Alden half a point.

At the time that Lola Nidora was preparing for Alden’s next challenge. She was somewhere else that the folks at Eat Bulaga’s main studio did not disclose. Also, she was not with YayaDUB. YayaDUB was left to be with Donya Tidora and Donya Tinidora. The clothes they wore were different from the ensemble that Lola Nidora had prepared for the challenge. The ALDUB MaiDen Heaven episode went into triple-split screen as it was revealed that Lola Nidora and the Rogelios were elsewhere.
YayaDUB was visibly nervous at what awaits Alden. She is confident at what Alden can do. But she is not blind to seeing how Lola Nidora is starting to push her limits when it comes to challenging Alden. Donya Tinidora and Donya Tidora shared the same sentiment. Ill feelings toward their estranged sister were reopened here at the ALDUB MaiDen Heaven episode. But there is no going back for Alden. He’s willing to do what it takes to earn even just YayaDUB’s mobile number.
The Rogelios had Alden blindfolded. Lola Nidora did not want Alden to get an idea where he will be taken. He was only given a hint at what the next challenge would entail. It involved going into deep. How deep is Alden’s love for YayaDUB in the ALDUB MaiDen Heaven episode? Obviously, he’s willing to march into hell for a heavenly cause. And he knew it can only be true for this glorious quest. YayaDUB could only watch from where she stood as the Rogelios held the blindfolded Alden.

Alden’s basket of gifts was carried by one of the Rogelios as the other two held him by the arms. Lola Nidora tasted each of the Bicolano dishes first for authenticity purposes. She speculated on the ALDUB Getting Closer episode that Alden might just buy laing and pinangat from some random carinderia and pass them off as authentic Bicolano dishes. (Then again, Lola Nidora will always be suspicious of other people of deeds that she herself is guilty of) The ALDUB MaiDen Heaven episode gave hope for Alden and half a point. To earn the other half point, Lola Nidora then explained the connection of chilis.
In the ALDUB MaiDen Heaven episode, Alden had a chance to talk. But he only said “Opo” (Yes) when Lola Nidora asked him if he’s ready for the next challenge. Lola Nidora had 3 boxes of chilis thrown into an Olympic-sized pool. He gave Alden just 5 minutes to collect all 3 boxes. If Alden beat the clock, he earns the other half point needed to complete the episode’s task. YayaDUB and Lola Nidora’s sisters looked on as Lola Nidora dropped the boxes into the pool.
Alden was well-dressed for that day. But he was willing to take a dip and pick up the boxes himself. He then removed his coat, shoes and socks to prepare for the plunge. He just left his white polo and black slacks. YayaDUB expressed her skepticism when she posted on her clipboard “Sanay ka bang lumangoy?” (Are you used to swimming?) Alden gave her a thumbs up. Later he posted a sign affirming his dedication to the challenge at the ALDUB MaiDen Heaven episode.

It helped that the ALDUB MaiDen Heaven episode is live. No double. No camera tricks. It’s really Alden who dived deep into the pool to get the boxes of chili. Donya Tidora was almost disappointed that Alden kept his shirt and pants on while swimming. (The collective sigh at not seeing Alden’s abs was understandable.) YayaDUB posted “Langoy Pa More” on her clipboard in support of Alden.
Everyone was looking at the clock. The 5-minute-limit seemed too short. But Alden turned out to be a capable swimmer. The crowd at the Broadway Centrum where Joey de Leon, Ryan Agoncillo and Michael V watched was cheering Alden on. YayaDUB may be voiceless here. But she led in cheering him on. Donya Tinidora and Donya Tidora supported YayaDUB. Much to the disappointment of Lola Nidora.
Lola Nidora was being deliberately difficult to Alden. She was walking away while Alden was trying to hand her the second box. When Alden found the third box, Lola Nidora walked away. It forced Alden to get up from the pool and run to Lola Nidora. YayaDUB was beyond ecstatic in joy. She was jumping around and all over the floor. Donya Tidora and Donya Tinidora almost thought YayaDUB was having a seizure. Lola Nidora was forced to write the second point on the coffee table book for the Countdown to Tamang Panahon. The crowd was chanting Alden’s name in the ALDUB MaiDen Heaven episode. Alden’s smile is incomparable as he heaves a sigh of relief.

Donya Tinidora then moved forward to where she left off from the ALDUB Getting Closer episode. She was about to say was YayaDUB’s biological mother when the cliffhanger freeze screen got into them. And now that Lola Nidora is elsewhere shaking. Donya Tinidora faced YayaDUB and tried to tell her the truth. Too bad the cliffhanger freeze screen in the ALDUB MaiDen Heaven beat her to it.
Donya Tinidora may not be Divina’s biological mother. And we don’t know yet when do we stop calling her YayaDUB and start calling her Divina. (Or Maine. Whichever works maybe) But she held the clues to revealing Divina’s true origins. The key to getting out of Lola Nidora’s clutches. Is the day of reckoning near? Tune in to Eat Bulaga Monday to Saturday at noontime to remain updated. Replays of the KalyeSerye like the ALDUB MaiDen Heaven episode are found at the Eat Bulaga Facebook Page. Tweet @EatBulaga for your suggestions, feedback and thank-you tweets.
The ALDUB MaiDen Heaven episode confirmed one thing. The lines between reality and fiction are officially blurred. And we mean that as a good thing. Whether you’re interested to find out the difference or just want to enjoy the first ever KalyeSerye on Philippine television. Follow us on our social media accounts for episode recaps and cultural analyses. Like our official Facebook page, The Philippines Web. And follow us on Twitter @pinasamazing. Much appreciated.