#ALDUBLoveOnTop The ALDUB Love on Top episode was where everyone watched out for Lola Nidora’s unwanted guest. Lola Nidora is at her wits end. Clueless as to how the diary’s photos were leaked. She thought that her inability to raise enough cash caused the “blackmail photos” to go viral. The riding in tandem’s refusal to talk aggravates Lola Nidora’s paranoia. The viral photos have barely scratched the surface though.

In the ALDUB Love on Top episode, the riding in tandem makes an appearance again. The box they handed over to YayaDUB was smaller. It kinda pacified her as earlier, she was pestering Lola Nidora for a day-off. Even if she is close to throwing a tantrum, Lola Nidora was unfazed. Now that the riding in tandem is back, Lola Nidora found another opportunity to press the pair for questions.
The two men still refuse to talk. They tried to get away. But Lola Nidora blocked their way. She went as far has blocking the road with her torso. (In the ALDUB Love on Top episode, Lola Nidora’s shorts are peeping out of her skirt. An obvious remedy against another “rambutan” exposure) Because they can’t get the motor moving, both men got off the bike and ran. The Rogelios simply held the bike but did not chase the men.

YayaDUB then opened the box. It contained mostly her favorite candies. Non-Filipino viewers are familiar with 2 of the snack variants in the box. Haw Haw and Mikmik were featured on Buzzfeed. Classic snacks that brought the kid out of everyone just like YayaDUB. She immediately picked a little pack of Haw Haw to enjoy. The ALDUB Love on Top episode confirmed everyone’s observation. That it is a love team so wholesome, every yuppie is reminded of their days of Mikmik and Haw Haw.
YayaDUB immediately looked for Alden. Turns out that he’s just waiting for YayaDUB to receive his box of goodies. Lola Nidora did not thank him for the box of treats. But she’s satisfied that it pacified YayaDUB. As YayaDUB and Alden exchanged Dubsmash dibs at each other, another car arrived. That was when the audience was reminded of Lola Nidora’s unwanted guest at the ALDUB Love on Top episode.

3 bodyguards and a matron hopped off the white car. Lola Nidora’s reactions were heard on the background as the matron tried to make her entrance. Lola Nidora’s paranoia strikes again once she confirmed that her unwanted guest has arrived. It was Donya Tidora, Lola Nidora’s twin sister.
Donya Tidora was non-confrontational despite Lola Nidora’s paranoia. She introduced herself as the younger twin sister. Except that it took 2 years for their mother to labor Lola Nidora. So Donya Tidora ended up getting out of the womb first. Lola Nidora is not happy to see her sister back. The feeling was mutual. The ALDUB Love on Top episode served as an opportunity for Donya Tidora to bully her sister. Lola Nidora’s pent-up emotions against Donya Tidora were reopened.

As Donya Tidora was already enjoying herself in seeing Lola Nidora squirm, she notices YayaDUB beside Lola Nidora. Such a nice girl based on Donya Tidora’s point of view. YayaDUB may be busy with her little pack of Mikmik. But she doesn’t forget how to be polite. She made a little pabebe wave to Donya Tidora. YayaDUB was appreciative of Donya Tidora’s comments about her.
Fearing that Donya Tidora would start getting affectionate to YayaDUB. Lola Nidora went to business. She accused Donya Tidora of proliferating the photos of her and Hitler. Donya Tidora simply blamed the diary’s loss to Lola Nidora being scatter-brained. “Burara ka kasi!” Donya Tidora said. If Lola Nidora can’t even dispose of her diapers properly, how is she expected to tidy up on the rest of her things? The ALDUB Love on Top episode heated up further when Donya Tidora got her phone and showed the other photos.
Photos with Hitler barely scratched the surface indeed. Lola Nidora’s dangerous liaisons came to light with Donya Tidora adding fuel to the fire. Using her smartphone, she exposed other compromising photos. Faded pics way back when the family lived in Massachusetts. Pics clandestinely shot with Gen. Douglas MacArthur. Photos with the current head monarch of UK, Queen Elizabeth. And photos with communist sympathizer and iconic actor Charlie Chaplin. Even a childhood photo with Frankie’s father, Don Franing. It’s too early to suspect her as some Pinay Mata Hari. Photos don’t prove romantic relationships. But Lola Nidora’s sanity is on a brink.

Lola Nidora is too distracted at this point to stop YayaDUB from calling Alden. Alden happily responded with “Yes?” Alden then brought with him a little cute chubby kids to Dubsmash with him. YayaDUB found the little boy cute herself. She was like pinching the chubby cheeks herself. She waved to the kid that Alden brought with him. Lola Nidora then saw this and accused Alden of having a child. The ALDUB Love on Top episode ended up having a stress relief until Lola Nidora found another misconception to throw Alden’s way.
Lola Nidora chastised Alden for having the nerve to pursue a romantic relationship with YayaDUB when he already had a son. Alden then clarified that the kid is just his nephew. Not his son. Donya Tidora finally saw Alden and found him cute herself. She almost scolded Lola Nidora for being too hard on Alden. Lola Nidora tried to justify again her stance. Even if Alden managed to send Lola Nidora a gift too. She still wouldn’t budge. At this point in the ALDUB Love on Top episode. Lola Nidora gave Alden another challenge. She wanted pili nut snacks straight from the Bicol region IMMEDIATELY. She wanted them the next day. Alden agreed and promised to deliver on time.

Donya Tidora then remembered the purpose behind her sudden arrival. She is about to reveal Lola Nidora’s secret. It was basically the main purpose behind the arrival. As she was about to reveal what Lola Nidora’s secret is, the ALDUB Love on Top episode goes into cliffhanger mode. That dang cliffhanger mode!
Lola Nidora did not specify how many pili nut snacks she needed. It seemed like a generic challenge. How much pili nut-based goodies can Alden take from Bicol? Most of the updates (spoilers included) are found on the Eat Bulaga Facebook Page. So like their page for real-time updates and replays like the ALDUB Love on Top episode. Follow them on Twitter too @EatBulaga.
With Twitter parties and the rest of the social media world getting swept up with the ALDUB Love on Top episode. Things are sure to look brighter now for Alden and YayaDUB. It would only be a matter of time before Lola Nidora’s facade would be broken down until she has no more ego left. The Philippines Web is sure to document any updates and observations regarding the ALDUB phenomenon. So following us on our social media accounts would be much appreciated. Like our official Facebook page, The Philippines Web. And follow us on Twitter @pinasamazing. Much appreciated.