#ALDUBGettingCloser The ALDUB Getting Closer episode also gets us closer to the secrets that Lola Nidora had been keeping from YayaDUB. With the arrival of Donya Tidora on the ALDUB Love on Top episode, Lola Nidora has been doing whatever she could to shield YayaDUB from the revelations that Donya Tidora had been up to. From leaving her in the mansion at the ALDUB Ang Lihim ni Lola episode to keeping her away from Donya Tidora any way possible.

YayaDUB is bewildered too at the ALDUB Getting Closer episode. She is startled at the events. But she would not dare break her vow to Lola Nidora that she would to nobody. Nobody, nobody but Lola Nidora (clap, clap, clap, point). Her advice of “Bawal ang sad, dapat happy” (Sadness prohibited, happiness always) is quite easy to follow though. Compared to Lola Nidora, YayaDUB has less concerns. Mainly, seeing Alden Richards back from Bicol. Lola Nidora sent him back there after complaining that the pili nut package is not enough.
Alden Richards was shown at the airport bound for Bicol. He made sure to post his messages for YayaDUB and Lola Nidora to see. Lola Nidora had been demanding so much from Alden compared to Frankie. Now that the diary seems like the least of her concerns. In the ALDUB Getting Closer episode, she’s upset at the lengths that Donya Tidora went through in searching for the third sister, Tinidora.
And so the ALDUB nation awaited the arrival of Donya Tinidora. A silver gray car arrived to the beats of “Rico Mambo”. Out came Donya Tinidora with her bodyguards. Her bodyguards were namely Cuando, Cuando, Cuando. (Finally. Jose Manalo agreed to don makeup and go in drag.) As she entered the scene she immediately called the attention of her sisters, Lola Nidora and Donya Tidora. Lola Nidora was not happy. The circle is complete with the JoWaPao (Jose/Wally/Paolo) in drag as the triplets. Donya Tinidora would immediately want to speak with Divina at the ALDUB Getting Closer episode. But Lola Nidora was quick to send her out to an errand.

Donya Tinidora tried to confirm if she heard her sisters correctly. And so she discovered in the ALDUB Getting Closer episode that Lola Nidora and Donya Tidora call Divina “Yaya”. How dare they call “Yaya” their own relative. Donya Tinidora’s instincts kicked in. She lost Divina and found her again only to see her as her sister’s nanny. A status she didn’t deserve. It reminds viewers of the ALDUB Ang Lihim ni Lola episode where Lola Nidora admitted that she never had a nanny until now. She basically raised Divina to serve her.
The ALDUB Getting Closer episode is where YayaDUB was actually called “Divina”. It seems as if Donya Tinidora was the one who gave her name. Also, much of the animosity between the triplets against each other were unleashed. Donya Tinidora resented Lola Nidora for losing Divina. Lola Nidora resented Donya Tidora and Donya Tinidora for leaving her behind in the Philippines to care for Divina. Lola Nidora was bitter at the thought that you can never choose your family.
Donya Tinidora insisted that this is the right time for Divina to learn of the truth. Lola Nidora was aghast. How dare Donya Tinidora try to tell Divina the truth when she abandoned her to Lola Nidora. Donya Tinidora is happy to see Divina again. It was a stark contrast to the emotions she felt upon seeing her sisters. Donya Tidora went to great lengths to find her in order to tell YayaDUB the truth. (At this point, the terms “YayaDUB” and Divina became interchangeable.)

But Donya Tinidora had a secret of her own as revealed in the ALDUB Getting Closer episode. Divina is not her daughter. And she resented Donya Tidora for making her believe that Divina is her daughter. As she was about to explain the events that transpired then, Lola Nidora left her. Lola Nidora’s excuse was her shock at seeing Donya Tinidora with a kid. And she reprimanded Donya Tidora as well for making her believe that Divina is her daughter. She discovered that she is in no capacity to bear children.
As Lola Nidora pressed for more information from Donya Tinidora, she saw YayaDUB come back. Calling her again as “Divina”, she tried to cut to the chase and tell her everything. Until Lola Nidora’s phone rang. The ALDUB Getting Closer is getting farther from clarifying events that transpired. As Lola Nidora’s nanny, YayaDUB answered the phone herself. She handed it later to Lola Nidora. The caller was Alden. And he just confirmed his arrival to Bicol. Lola Nidora then warned Alden of the deep challenge ahead for him.

Donya Tinidora was upset at YayaDUB’s behavior. She thought YayaDUB was having a seizure. Lola Nidora reasoned out that it’s part of her personality. As Lola Nidora tried to send YayaDUB out to an errand again, Donya Tidora and Donya Tinidora tried to stop her. Confused, YayaDUB ended up ranting “Walang magbabago sa pamilyang ito!” (Nothing in this family will change!) Donya Tinidora took advantage of the situation to approach YayaDUB. She tried to pacify her here in the ALDUB Getting Closer episode. Asking her why she talks all by herself.
This family drama has started getting into YayaDUB’s nerves. She was not even given an appropriate introduction to Donya Tinidora. Lola Nidora tried to keep her away from her sisters. But now that Donya Tinidora has distracted Lola Nidora. She went straight to YayaDUB. She’s happy that the girl she called Divina is now all-grown up. She did not go for the jugular though. She just mentioned how as a young toddler. Divina was taken by Donya Tinidora by the breakwater. There, she would play with gross things found floating by the breakwater. Donya Tinidora considered those moments as the happiest in her life.

How did Donya Tinidora lose little Divina? She woke up one day with Divina gone. She went insane and ended up looking like her sisters, Lola Nidora and Donya Tidora. She used to be the prettiest among them. Now years of insanity has deglamorized her as seen in the ALDUB Getting Closer episode. Talking to the person now known as YayaDUB. Donya Tinidora discovered another anomaly. “Kundi makakarinig ng music, hindi magsasalita!” (If she doesn’t hear music, she will not talk!)
Lola Nidora insisted that the raised the kid in a way she knew best. She then accused her sisters of leaving her behind with a kid to raise. Lola Nidora was so confused at this point. She eventually asked the blame game to stop. YayaDUB was ready to listen to the truth when Lola Nidora sent her away again. If she had to buy the whole pharmacy so that she will not come back in time to hear the truth. Lola Nidora would make her do that here in the ALDUB Getting Closer episode.
Donya Tidora and Donya Tinidora agreed that the child had to know the truth. Lola Nidora insisted that it is not yet the right time. But she cannot identify when the right time would be. So Donya Tinidora went forward and revealed whose child Divina is. Divina, better known among family and friends as YayaDUB, is the daughter of their younger sister. As Donya Tinidora tried to say their younger sister’s name, the ALDUB Getting Closer episode goes into cliffhanger mode.

The Facebook cut of the ALDUB Getting Closer episode showed Alden buying the laing and pinangat. He neatly packed them in styrofoam containers himself. He prepared the package and took some photos by the Cagsawa ruins. He had to show proof that he really went to Bicol to buy the items that Lola Nidora needed. Alden was happy to buy the items for Lola Nidora. Everything for YayaDUB.
How would the family drama affect the relationship that YayaDUB nurtured with Alden? As the story switches from a nasty case of sibling rivalry to a family secret yet to be revealed. All that YayaDUB could think of is Alden’s safe flight back to Metro Manila. And there would be more to come after the ALDUB Getting Closer episode. In case you failed to see the live telecast, like the Eat Bulaga Facebook Page. Replays are constantly uploaded there for your convenience. Follow them on Twitter @EatBulaga to say “Thank you” and other concerns like signal interruptions.
There is no stopping the ALDUB social media frenzy. Not even cases of signal interruption. Even non-Filipino speaking audiences have become fascinated with the ALDUB craze. It helped a lot that recaps like this article are regularly posted. So a little favor please? Follow us on our social media accounts. Like our official Facebook page, The Philippines Web. And follow us on Twitter @pinasamazing. Much appreciated.