#ALDUBForTalkNText The ALDUB For Talk N Text episode opens with Donya Tinidora dancing with her army of Cuando Cuando Cuando. More like Cuando ad infinitum. Everyone had lost count of how many Cuando men Donya Tinidora has. Donya Tidora can’t make it today. According to Donya Tinidora one of Donya Tidora’s toenails died. So she had to forego the ALDUB For Talk N Text episode for the poor toenail’s wake.

Lola Nidora then arrives with YayaDUB on foot. YayaDUB is noticeablly extra attentive to Lola Nidora. From behind, the Rogelio Rogelio Rogelio follows them. One of them carried a basket of fruits intended for Lola Nidora. It looked like an initiative on YayaDUB’s part. It won’t be healthy for Lola Nidora to be totally dependent on medication. While the chewables are still in stock. YayaDUB made sure Lola Nidora eats fruits. It shows in the ALDUB For Talk N Text episode how Lola’s health has improved.
[For the sake of the non-Filipino speaking fanbase of ALDUB. The ALDUB For Talk N Text episode happens after the ALDUB For Talk N Text ad was debuted on Eat Bulaga’s ad load. This caused Donya Tinidora’s comment about YayaDUB. “Panay ang talk. Panay ang text.” (Always on talk mode. Always on text mode.) Eat Bulaga’s marketing ploys set in with the help of such mentions.]
Lola Nidora expressed satisfaction in her health’s improvement. The best thing about YayaDUB’s efforts is that the medication works. Chewable, edible and drinky-ble. She disclosed why she did not allow fruits into her diet here in the ALDUB For Talk N Text episode. Her stomach rejects the citrusy ones like calamansi and ponkan orange. Her tummy can tolerate grapes and apples though. Donya Tinidora egged YayaDUB to feed Lola Nidora with more fruits. She should not miss doing this simply because the ALDUB 2nd Monthsary is on the next day. YayaDUB tried to suppress her laughter at Donya Tinidora’s quips.

Alden was then shown on the next monitor having ice cream. YayaDUB saw the ice cream and tried to ask some. It may just be a monitor between them. But Alden managed to share his cone of ice cream with YayaDUB. YayaDUB was beyond happy. She almost forgot that the winner for ALDUB Battle For A Cause would be announced on the ALDUB For Talk N Text episode. Lola Nidora is less annoyed though. She saw the improvement in YayaDUB’s service. For her, Alden is more of a distraction to her duties as her nanny.
Lola Nidora managed to remind YayaDUB of her duties. Whether YayaDUB is really her niece or not, it is obvious that she is a little possessive of her. She mentioned to Donya Tidora the day the latter arrived how Lola Nidora only ended up having a nanny at an advanced age. Among the 3 sisters, she’s the late bloomer in terms of having a nanny. In the ALDUB For Talk N Text episode though. YayaDUB is more of a caregiver and less of a nanny. She even added a logbook and an alarm clock to Lola Nidora’s daily medication. This is how she gets to monitor better her health.
The way YayaDUB improved in her duties rubbed off positively on Lola Nidora. On ALDUB The Abduction episode, Alden and YayaDUB shared a straw. Now they are sharing an ice cream cone. And it was all fine for Lola Nidora. She noticed how positive the effects were to YayaDUB anyway. With this in mind, Lola Nidora’s motherly instincts kicked in. She warned YayaDUB that falling in love is okay as long as you use that love to be inspired. Inspiration is essential to motivation. Love is supposed to bring out the best in you. So as long as Lola Nidora is served well, there would be less interference from her. At least for now.

Lola Nidora’s main concern is Duhrizz. She is disappointed with her. It’s the worst that she can feel instead of anger. She just didn’t expect her envy to escalate to such levels. So much that she would abduct first YayaDUB and later Alden. The final culmination occurred in ALDUB The Abduction episode. Duhrizz already texted her. She said she’s sorry for everything that she did. She has realized her mistakes or so her SMS said. Lola Nidora still wanted to talk to her even just on the phone. Donya Tinidora thought that Duhrizz might still be ashamed of what happened. In the ALDUB For Talk N Text episode. Lola Nidora chose to wait.
She also took the opportunity here in the ALDUB For Talk N Text episode to apologize to YayaDUB in behalf of Duhrizz. She herself is a little ashamed. Perhaps because in the past, she had YayaDUB locked up in their van just to keep her away from Alden. And she had Alden abducted in the past too. She even had him beat up by the Rogelios. Duhrizz knew these and thought that she would get away with it like Lola Nidora did. But no. Now she’s living in guilt. YayaDUB and Alden jointly forgave Duhrizz for Lola Nidora’s sake.

YayaDUB was quiet. Alden as always is optimistic. Forgiveness came easy for him. He even thanked Lola Nidora for all the lessons she imparted. She’s the closest that YayaDUB had for a parent. So Alden’s respect for her is understandable. In return, Lola Nidora sees the “tamang panahon” (right time) for them to be together for real. She felt in the ALDUB For Talk N Text episode that the right time is getting near. With someone like Alden who is resilient enough to cater to Lola Nidora’s requests, the strict granny eventually lessened the hissy fits for everyone’s sake.
The phone rang. Lola Nidora is back at her old phone with the very long password. Everyone thought that she gotten rid of it. Turns out that she hasn’t. She yelled on the phone. It was Duhrizz. Lola Nidora apologized for yelling at her. She is a little paranoid that more and more people and learning her mobile number. She could hear her granddaughter crying on the other line. She then tried to calm her down. Lola Nidora reminded Duhrizz that granny loves her so much. The ALDUB Nation ended up with another set of thoughts to ponder from Lola Nidora here at the ALDUB For Talk N Text episode.
Lola Nidora told Duhrizz, “Tandaan mo, Duhrizz. Mahal na mahal ka ng Lola. Laman ka lagi ng aking panalangin. Wag inggit ang pinapairal mo.” (Remember, Duhrizz. Granny loves you so much. You are always in my prayers. Don’t let envy prevail in you.) “Di ko man malimit na naipapadama ko pero ikaw ang nasa puso ko. Walang araw na hindi kita ipinapanalangin.” (I may not always tell you this. But you are in my heart. There is not a day that I didn’t pray for you.) “Duhrizz, makinig ka. Binibigyan tayo ng pagkakataon na itama ito.” (Duhrizz, listen to me. We are given an opportunity to correct this.) “Tama ang Lola Tinidora mo. Ang inggit ay kalawang na sisira sa pagkatao mo.” (Your Grand Aunt Tinidora is right. Envy is the rust that will consume your very being.) The ALDUB For Talk N Text episode shared valuable thoughts on how people should handle envy.

Donya Tinidora ended up quoting the late rapper and fellow dabarkads Francis Magalona (RIP). “Iwasan mo ang inggit sa napala ng iyong kapatid” (Avoid envy over your brethren’s fate) Lola Nidora advised Duhrizz to stop comparing herself to other people. Duhrizz was crying on the other line. So Lola Nidora was trying to shush her into listening to her. Lola Nidora then passed the phone to Donya Tinidora in the ALDUB For Talk N Text episode.
Donya Tinidora added her thoughts apart from what she told Duhrizz in ALDUB The Abduction episode. “Wala tayong ibang kalaban kundi sarili natin.” (We have no other competitor but ourselves.) The translation parts seemed like an acknowledgment of the non-Filipino speaking fan based that ALDUB has earned. Lola Nidora later had her blood pressure checked. After seeing the blood pressure safe, her next medication was given.
With Duhrizz now forgiven, the next concern is the Bulaga Pa More Wild Card Edition. Who won between Maine Mendoza and Richard Faulkerson Jr? That was the part where lines between real and reel were blurred. Looking back at the ALDUB Battle For A Cause episode. Alden Richards introduced himself as Richard Faulkerson Jr of Sta. Rosa, Laguna. A schtick for his chosen Eat Bulaga segment, Mr. Pogi. YayaDUB on the other hand was introduced as Maine Mendoza for her FHHM performance.

Both Alden and YayaDUB are conceding. Alden assured YayaDUB that whoever wins, she is still a winner in his heart. YayaDUB assured him just the same. Donya Tinidora doesn’t have the strength to announce the winner. She thought it would be better that one of the Eat Bulaga founding fathers himself would announce it. She chose Bossing Vic Sotto. Of course the Boss himself would announce it. He has the results in the ALDUB For Talk N Text episode.
But first, the man better known as Bossing chose to show the highlights first. YayaDUB’s performance consisted of the same routine she did in the elimination round. She then added Donya Tinidora’s ladder routine. Then the drumming part. Bossing then had the VTR rolled for Alden’s highlights. He had climbing routines too. But no ladders. He had the jumping footwear as upgrade for his performance. Then the metal wings. With both contestants’ highlights done, the drumroll in the ALDUB For Talk N Text episode began.

With 54% of the total text votes (yep, it’s that close), the Wild Card Winner is …… Maine Mendoza! YayaDUB! She almost fainted. Donya Tinidora warned her not to faint as no one will catch her from behind. Alden was the happiest loser ever televised. But for YayaDUB, Alden is also a winner. She wrote on her clipboard. “Panalo ka pa din sa kin, Den.” (You’re still a winner to me, Den.) That was the first time she ever called him Den.
It’s the day before the much-awaited 2nd Monthsary. So it was only appropriate that the Wild Card Round’s results were announced on the ALDUB For Talk N Text episode. What surprises did Alden prepare this time around? He had to make up for the lost opportunity. Last week was their 8th weeksary. Will Alden pull all of the stops to get closer to YayaDUB? Is he getting close to YayaDUB or Maine Mendoza? Tune in to Eat Bulaga. Monday to Saturday at noontime. Catch the ALDUB For Talk N Text episode replay at Eat Bulaga’s official Facebook page.
Looks like this week will make up for lost “kilig” moments from the Duhrizz debacle. The Philippines Web would ensure that episode recaps for this week will be posted. All that is left for you to do now is to follow our social media accounts. Like our official Facebook page, The Philippines Web. And follow us on Twitter @pinasamazing. Much appreciated.