Source: Eat Bulaga
#ALDUBEBForLove Featured image from Eat Bulaga Facebook page. The ALDUB EB For Love episode is served in parts at the Eat Bulaga episode dated 26 September 2015. This recap would focus on Alden’s visit itself. Everyone knew how packed it was and how many things occurred. The ALDUB EB For Love episode practically covered the Eat Bulaga programming. Not that we’re complaining. Some ALDUB Nation inhabitants are in fact very welcoming of that spacing.

Alden kept his word regarding the live rendition of Brian White’s “God Gave Me You”. He got emotional in the middle of singing the song. Overwhelmed by the support. Alden offered his song whole-heartedly to YayaDUB. He started addressing her either as Maine or her other pet name, Meng. YayaDUB was then shown on the other half of the monitor in the ALDUB EB For Love episode in the middle of her beauty rest. She still has the rollers securing her hair as she watched Alden’s teary-eyed version. It really showed how Alden was the emotional half of the phenomenal ALDUB couple. While YayaDUB is the wacky half of this widely-loved couple.
Later, Alden was shown preparing for his departure from Broadway Centrum. He packed his things from the “bilao” of chicharon as Lola Nidora requested (2nd of Lola Nidora’s conditions) to blessings from the rest of the Eat Bulaga cast. Senator Tito Sotto wished him well. Bossing Vic Sotto wiped off some of Alden’s sweat from his forehead with the boss’s own white hanky. Bossing Vic then gave the hanky to Alden. Boss Joey’s words of wisdom were the simplest. “Sunggaban mo.” (Grab it.) He meant that Alden better grab the opportunity. It relieved Lola Nidora at the ALDUB EB For Love episode.
Alden had to change the SUV at the last minute after having some problems with Allan K’s Hummer. If not for the backup car by the parking lot, he would not get on the road. It took awhile for him to reach De Explorer mansion. The driver must have been confused with Lola Nidora’s instructions. Thankfully, Alden reached De Explorer mansion as shown in the ALDUB EB For Love episode.

Donya Tinidora was prancing around the mansion again. Of course there’s a ladder. It’s a mansion after all. She wasn’t with her Cuando Cuando Cuando. After her “production number”, she called out to Donya Tidora. She’s taking too long in beautifying YayaDUB. It’s the ALDUB EB For Love episode anyway. So she took extra efforts in making YayaDUB look special for this day. Men like Alden are a dime a dozen now. The kind who’s serious enough to meet the parents right in the woman’s home. While YayaDUB’s biological origins were not discussed again. The ALDUB EB For Love episode chose to focus on the ALDUB couple itself. (It can be a good source of ideas for future episodes then.)
Alden’s car then arrived in time for Donya Tidora coming down from YayaDUB’s dressing room. Donya Tinidora then called out to De Explorer mansion’s “mayordoma” (head chambermaid), Rihanna. (Almost everyone thought she would be an all-new character. Turns out that it was Wally Bayola’s new alter ego. That’s the genius of Wally Bayola at work again.)
Rihanna happily welcomed Alden to De Explorer mansion. She was very accommodating and warm to Alden. She spoke English with an almost nasal accent. It must have been the effect of talking to her online boyfriend, Harry. She looked a little older than the age that Lola Nidora mentioned – 35 years old. Must have been the glasses. Despite getting immediately attracted to Alden, she had enough presence of mind to remember the rest of Alden’s entourage. Rihanna showed Alden the front door before escorting the rest of his entourage to the kitchen. (The ALDUB EB For Love episode showed Rihanna as a character that the ALDUB Nation will easily like.)

Prior to knocking at the front door. Alden took off his shoes. It was an advice from fellow dabarkads Ruby Rodriguez. It was in respect to the house’s residents. He then knocked on the door. From inside, Donya Tinidora called on Alden to come in. He was then greeted on his way inside by Donya Tidora with Donya Tinidora close by. The way Donya Tidora greeted Alden at the ALDUB EB For Love episode prompted Bossing Vic to comment from Broadway Centrum. “Wag nyong harassin yung bata.” (Don’t harass the kid.)
Alden managed to keep his composure though. He paid his respects to Donya Tidora and Donya Tinidora. He carried 4 bouquets. One for YayaDUB and one for each of the De Explorer triplets. The sisters then showed Alden around the mansion. They were proud of their baby photos with Lola Nidora. There was some reference as how the De Explorer triplets were related to YayaDUB. So they were blunt enough to ask Alden if he is still in the deal. (As if they admitted that YayaDUB carried some of the genes that the Kalye’s Angels possessed.) Alden said yes in the ALDUB EB For Love episode.
Lola Nidora came down from the ladder with all the noise that her sisters caused. Alden then paid his respects to her too. Then handed her the bouquet of flowers. With this, Lola Nidora has formally welcomed Alden into the mansion. She also showed Alden around. While her sisters were proud of the photo gallery by the living room. Lola Nidora was proud of the fruit trees by the garden. Yes, it includes a rambutan tree as mentioned in the ALDUB EB For Love episode. She then noticed how Donya Tidora is already at the living room. And YayaDUB has not come down yet. She then called her by her name, Divina. (It’s been several episodes since YayaDUB was called Divina.)

YayaDUB was called Divina by Lola Nidora perhaps as a reminder that this is her special day. She was too nervous to come down to the living room. She even retreated a few steps. Her expression was a mixture of exhilaration, excitement and a wacky defense mechanism to that overflowing emotion of giddyness. She is giddyness personified in the ALDUB EB For Love episode.
Alden was obviously stunned at seeing YayaDUB. The best reaction from Alden was his efforts to suppress his emotions only to see his eyes glisten. He must have failed to contain himself at seeing her again. (Don’t worry. It’s less awkward now despite the shorter distance between them.) YayaDUB’s dress is a lot cuter now. Shorter sleeves and a brighter shade of red complimented the luscious color on her lips at the ALDUB EB For Love episode.
Everyone from Donya Tidora to Allan K to the crowd that gathered at Broadway Centrum. Yes, everyone was screaming in delight at the ALDUB EB For Love episode. Alden then handed over the last bouquet he held to Divina. Divina could not suppress her giddyness. At the same time she felt uber-conscious at the sight of Alden that sees her in her uber-giddy state. But being the polite woman that she is. She mustered her guts to face Alden. They had eye contact for a few seconds at the ALDUB EB For Love episode.

Lola Nidora has a tape measure at hand. She had to make sure that Alden and Divina would keep their word. 1 foot distance to avoid any touch between the two. Lola Nidora was preoccupied with keeping them apart when Donya Tidora pointed out that they have been talking to each other. Donya Tidora and Donya Tinidora were then beside themselves. Donya Tidora was screaming her lungs out. Donya Tinidora was on the floor dancing around in joy. (Well, dancing around was more like an understatement.) There were talking without any of the triplets pointing a microphone at them. So no one really knew what they talked about at the ALDUB EB For Love episode.
Lola Nidora was the only unhappy camper among the people in the mansion. She’s not envious. She’s more like her usual stern self. To keep everyone in the loop, Alden and Divina then resorted to a Dubsmash exchange. The ALDUB playlist staples have become apparent at this point in the ALDUB EB For Love episode. In an environment surrounded by giddy people, Alden and Divina managed to lessen that awkward feeling.
Divina then had to sit down. She almost forgot to do that. She sat on the single sofa. Alden sat on the long sofa. The space between Alden and Divina was wide enough to accommodate the De Explorer triplets. Donya Tinidora then prodded Divina to set on the long sofa as well. Among the triplets, it was Donya Tinidora who tried to pull some strings to get the ALDUB couple close enough without violating Lola Nidora’s condition. While Donya Tidora was overwhelmed with happiness, Donya Tinidora was orchestrating schemes to get the couple as close as allowable in the ALDUB EB For Life episode.

Is Divina feeling the pressure right now? Seems like it. It must have been the effect of meetings that are either cut short (ALDUB Battle For A Cause), stressed out (ALDUB The Abduction) or interrupted (ALDUB Most Awaited Date). Also, raging hormones. Still the third meeting in the ALDUB EB For Love episode handled the raging hormones well. Alden and Divina wanted to touch each other so badly if not for Lola Nidora’s watchful eye. So they had to make the most out of that moment – through Dubsmash. Alden was overcome with joy. Tears fell again while Dubsmashing “God Gave Me You”.
Alden was beside himself. Donya Tinidora had to push him to Divina. Lola Nidora’s nerves were already at breaking point. And Donya Tinidora is even making it worse. For Lola Nidora, she is a troll. For ALDUB, she is a welcome nuisance. Before Donya Tinidora’s antics would worsen. Lola Nidora told the young couple to go to the dining table for the merienda at the ALDUB EB For Love episode.

The ALDUB EB For Love episode served as an avenue of mind games for the clever Donya Tinidora. She understood the loopholes of Lola Nidora’s “No Touch” policy. So in case something occurs, she can take the blame for it. Just like her push on Alden. The welcoming mind games came in handy again once it’s time to pick seats at the dining table.
Whether the “Trip to Jerusalem” aspect was a conspiracy between Donya Tidora and Donya Tinidora, it was not so clear. But Donya Tinidora implemented what she had in mind. Donya Tidora is still beside herself screaming the day away. While Alden was gentleman enough to help Divina sit down. Donya Tinidora thought Alden should be sitting elsewhere. Somewhere closer to Divina at the ALDUB EB For Love episode. It was fun. At least it helped Alden and Divina loosen up. They were so tense at the living room minutes ago.
Then, Donya Tinidora told Lola Nidora that she’s full. “Busog ka di ba?” (You’re full, right?) Lola Nidora knew what Donya Tinidora is up to. But the moment the Broadway Centrum crowd chanted “Busog si Lola!” (Granny is full.) Lola Nidora relented after her phone rang. Donya Tinidora left no stone unturned. She even scolded one of the maids for allegedly acting too slow. She told her to go back to the kitchen. Donya Tinidora then told Alden and Divina to serve themselves. Seems like a rushed attempt to leave the ALDUB couple to themselves in the ALDUB EB For Love episode.

At first, it seems like Donya Tinidora wanted a front seat access to the latest developments. At the same time, she watched if Alden and Divina can keep their promise to Lola Nidora. She knew that her sister meant well anyway. So she kept watch from behind Alden. By the looks of it. Donya Tinidora’s plan worked. In the ALDUB EB For Love episode, even when there is music, neither Alden nor Divina is Dubsmashing. They were talking without minding the audience elated at seeing them THIS CLOSE. And they even helped each other eat through the almost cliche “subuan”.
In the middle of eating at the ALDUB EB For Love episode, the ALDUB couple can manage to Dubsmash. But they look more natural talking to each other without worrying about any stray microphones close to them. What made Donya Tinidora’s plan work better is Alden’s courtesy. He himself brought the cake to the dining table. He sliced the cake himself and shared it with Divina. At this point, Alden knew the kind of appetite that Divina had. But he didn’t consider it as a bad thing. As early as the isaw party episode. Alden welcomed it.

Divina’s child-like demeanor made her extra-endearing to Alden. Same effects on the ALDUB Nation glued to the ALDUB EB For Love episode. Alden estimated the 1 foot distance by moving his chair closer to Divina. (If not for Allan K saying “Meng”, everyone watching the ALDUB EB For Love episode would forget the blurred lines between reel and real.)
The head chambermaid Rihanna showed up for selfie opportunities. She found Alden very handsome anyway. (Her accent makes the word “handsome” sound “antsam”.) Of course she asked Divina first for a photo-op with Alden. Divina obliged since she’s one of the closest friends that Rihanna had in the mansion. Then she had a photo-op with Divina too. An obvious reference to the pre-ALDUB days when YayaDUB liked selfies by the minute in between Dubsmash stints. Soon she herself took a photo of Alden and Divina. It was the moment that the ALDUB Nation waited for. Hopefully, there would be more REAL pics together as everyone watched the ALDUB EB For Love episode.

Soon, Donya Tidora and Donya Tinidora included themselves in the selfie opportunities at the ALDUB EB For Love episode.In true mind games’ fashion, Donya Tinidora stood between Alden and Divina during the group-fie. Only for her to move aside and tell Divina to look at Alden right to his eyes. Divina was half-awkward, half-giddy at looking at Alden. What made it more awkward is that Alden himself is looking at her. Donya Tidora was screaming her lungs out again.
Donya Tinidora tried to make Divina look back at Alden. It made her uncomfortable. More like conscious. Donya Tinidora is daring the limits that Lola Nidora imposed. Also she enjoyed seeing Divina lose herself in extreme happiness. Everyone is happy. And everyone awaited the time when ALDUB would be enjoying the relationship in person. Of course the novelty of split-screens would still be there after the ALDUB EB For Love episode. So as much as emotions run high here. Divina tried to make the most out of the opportunity and succeeded.

Donya Tinidora later told Rihanna to leave the ALDUB couple on their own. She obliged. She pinched Divina a little on her waist. And the couple continued their merienda date. (Right now, a dinner date is a far-fetched idea since this is a noontime show segment.) Divina is conscious. But not conscious enough to forget her appetite. She liked the cake so much. Some icing got smudged on her lips. Alden tried to wipe it off. Knowing that everyone is watching, he raised the tissue later to prove that no touch occurred between them. There was a tissue between them so that’s fine. Alden is a quick study in learning how to reason out at the ALDUB EB For Love episode.
It was supposed to be Divina’s turn in giving Alden some cake. But the slicer fell. Both of them tried to reach for the dropped slicer. But both were hesitant. Could they be pushing their limits too much at this time in the ALDUB EB For Love episode? Maybe not. DIvina had a chance to wipe off the stray icing on Alden’s forehead later on. Yeah, baby! Divina’s got the moves.
And speaking of moves, Divina almost choked on the cake. Alden was quick to get a glass of water for her to drink. Both of them were panicking. Alden didn’t know whether to just hand over the glass to Divina or just help her drink. Divina though just grabbed the glass while Alden still held on to it and drank as much water as she could. The KalyeSerye Commentators, Senator Tito, Bossing Vic and Boss Joey with Allan K, were in unison in saying it’s an emergency. Divina could have lost consciousness if she didn’t drink water in time. And everything happened so fast. If Alden let go of the glass, he might end up dropping it. Divina had to drink twice just to get the choke off her chest at the ALDUB EB For Love episode.

And so Divina had her fill. Also, Dubsmashing and eating at the same time might cause another choking incident on her. They shared a few Dubsmash hits by the window pane … that turned out to be open. Divina accidentally bumped herself onto the open window pane. It was hard enough to bring her back to the present moment. It was around this time that Lola Nidora came back to watch over Alden and Divina again at the ALDUB EB For Love episode.
For those who still can’t get over the ALDUB EB For Love episode, like Eat Bulaga’s official Facebook page. There you will catch the ALDUB EB For Love episode replay. Tweet and follow @EatBulaga to send your feedback and thank-you-notes. Don’t forget to check out the ALDUB gallery by clicking here.
It was tough summarizing an episode packed with moments and sidelights. The ALDUB EB For Love episode really got the world watching. It made courting women harder for men now. Alden just elevated the standard back to traditional levels. An obvious attempt on Eat Bulaga’s part to bring back traditional values. But the episode recaps and analytical articles will continue. Just follow us on our social media accounts and you’d be updated. Like our official Facebook page, The Philippines Web. And follow us on Twitter @pinasamazing. We’d be expecting you.