#ALDUB2ndMonthsary The ALDUB 2nd Monthsary episode opens with Lola Nidora. She arrived ahead of her sisters with YayaDUB. She was talking on the phone with her doctor. Hopefully it’s not Dr. Tan-Ning. The fake physician that she hired on the ALDUB Against All Odds episode. She used him to emotionally blackmail YayaDUB into marrying Lola Nidora’s family friend, Frankie Arenolli.

YayaDUB looked extra blooming today. She had always been blooming ever since “meeting” Alden. But today is the ALDUB 2nd Monthsary episode. So the extra touch of letting her hair down is obvious. Hence the Filipino slang “Haba ng hair!” (Such long hair.) to emphasize efforts applied in being extra beautiful for the special day. And YayaDUB is extra motivated to work. Lola Nidora is starting to loosen up when it comes to YayaDUB’s communication with Alden Richards. Also, Lola Nidora views her nanny’s renewed vigor as a positive effect of being in love.
Donya Tidora and Donya Tinidora arrived happily on the spot where Lola Nidora sat. They immediately greeted YayaDUB. “Happy Monthsary!” Lola Nidora reacted in what old-fashioned people would expectedly do. For her, there is no such thing as a monthsary. It was not a physically feasible relationship. The lack of personal physical contact keeps Lola Nidora a skeptic to the ALDUB 2nd Monthsary. YayaDUB and Alden only met in person twice. A chunk of their communication is spent on monitors and it’s a relationship? Lola Nidora’s sisters just brushed it off as her refusal to acknowledge modern relationships. Both mentioned that the biggest reason behind Lola Nidora’s bitterness is her refusal to live and let live.

The ALDUB 2nd Monthsary episode then shows Alden. He is not in his usual den. He’s close to the audience. He chose a spot in front of the audience and sat down. He then told YayaDUB that it is the very spot where YayaDUB still remembers it. 16 July 2015 at 1:47pm. No one remembers it more than YayaDUB herself. It was the day she started smiling more and snobbing less. The day when Jose Manalo (before he channeled his alter egos) practically gave up on making YayaDUB laugh. The rest as they say is history.
The day before the ALDUB 2nd Monthsary episode. Alden promised YayaDUB that he has a gift. In the ALDUB 2nd Monthsary episode itself, he went into his spot to get it. Eat Bulaga founding father “Bossing” Vic Sotto referred to Alden’s room as his “lungga” meaning den. He even speculated “May lahi yatang ermitanyo ito eh.” (I think being a hermit runs in his blood.) Perhaps because he spent more time in his dungeon with the HD monitor. Alden then took out the locket.

The ALDUB 2nd Monthsary card contained a note long enough to be considered to be a love letter. Now that it’s the ALDUB 2nd Monthsary. Alden found the opportunity to give it to YayaDUB. He also prepared a card containing his ALDUB 2nd Monthsary dedication to YayaDUB. He opened the card and revealed a message longer than what he usually writes on his clipboard. Since the font was smaller, he read it with the montage he prepared for the ALDUB 2nd Monthsary. Every highlight in the 2 months that passed are mentioned in the love letter. Translation is as follows:
Hi, Maine, how are you? Even if only 2 months have passed, a lot has happened. Some are happy, some are sad, some are painful. But in all of these we learned lessons. And there is nothing that we will not endure as long as we are ready and this is what we want. If there are people who will believe in us and if there are people who believe and love us, do we have to quit now?
Changes occurred in our lives. A lot. But a lot would never ever change.
You already know that. And we know that whatever we go through, the right time will come.
AlDub You,

The camera caught YayaDUB wiping off some tears. It turned out to be the most touching gift that Alden had done for her. And he addressed her as “Maine”. It’s his way of making up for lost time. Who would not be touched by such a gesture? For a man viewed by Lola Nidora as someone not serious with her nanny. Alden is willing to go the extra mile. Alden has personally seen YayaDUB twice. There is no turning back now. The fact that Alden himself read the letter in his own live voice moved YayaDUB to tears. After reading the letter, Alden gave the locket to YayaDUB.
The ALDUB Nation first saw the locket last week during the search for the then abducted YayaDUB. YayaDUB almost ate it thinking it’s food. Donya Tinidora yelled at her “Hindi kinakain yan!” (That’s not food!) Bossing yelled “Hindi isaw yan!” (That’s not chicken intestine!) Donya Tidora screamed. “Kwintas yan!” (That’s a necklace!) Donya Tinidora even compared YayaDUB to snatchers that swallowed stolen necklaces to hide the evidence. It must have been YayaDUB’s defense mechanism kicking in. The ALDUB 2nd Monthsary preparations that Alden made overwhelmed her to tears.
Donya Tinidora suggested that Alden should hand over the locket with a special dedication. She then told YayaDUB to temporarily return the locket to Alden. Alden should be handing the locket over while narrating his special message to YayaDUB. Alden is still the speaking half in the phenomenal ALDUB couple. So he found it fit to sing as well in the ALDUB 2nd Monthsary episode.

Alden sang a few lines from Ed Sheeran’s “Thinking Out Loud” a.k.a. “Dalinay! Dalinay!” (Lola Nidora misheard the lyrics. This caused the majority of Eat Bulaga’s viewers to call this song as “Dalinay! Dalinay!”) While YayaDUB and the three grannies are preoccupied with Alden’s singing, a kid approached YayaDUB with a stem of rose. Alden signaled to YayaDUB that there are more roses to come. Soon kids came one by one giving roses to YayaDUB in behalf of Alden for the ALDUB 2nd Monthsary.
Lola Nidora stretched out her hand to the kids for the “pagmamano”. It’s almost a lost gesture in Filipino culture to give respect to elders by putting the elder’s hand on the kid’s forehead. So it served as an opportunity to teach kids simple respectful gestures. And Lola Nidora is proud of being old school. She doesn’t mind admitting her actual age anyway. So letting her presence be felt turned out fine. It was not disruptive anyway. No event is too disruptive for an old woman to remind kids today the value of respecting their elders.
Donya Tinidora is openly touched with the kids’ niceties. They show respect not only to Lola Nidora but to Donya Tidora and Donya Tinidora as well. Alden then moved to his carrier single “Wish I May”. It was unofficial anthem for the ALDUB Nation hoping that the ALDUB 2nd Monthsary would transition into something real. From ALDUB (Alden and YayaDUB) to MaiDen (Maine and Alden). Alden made sure that everyone knew that his song is live, not a lip-sync.

YayaDUB has lost count of the number of roses handed to her. And Donya Tinidora was blunt in saying that her hand is numb. She just adjusted her posture to accommodate the kids. She has a hunch that Alden bought the entire supply from the Dangwa flower market. In the middle of Alden’s last stanza, YayaDUB asked for a kiss from Alden. After Alden’s song, he simply said “Happy Monthsary”.
Even the grannies received flowers at the end of Alden’s song. Only Lola Nidora is known to have grandchildren herself. But even Donya Tidora and Donya Tinidora are happy to accommodate kids that know the “pagmamano”. The ALDUB 2nd Monthsary confirmed one lost gesture when in comes to Filipino courtships. That a man serious enough with his lady love would try to woo not only the woman herself. The family receives niceties from the man too. The Kalye’s Angels are the closest that YayaDUB had for a family. And speaking of family, Alden prepared his next gift. (While waiting for Alden’s next gift for the ALDUB 2nd Monthsary, they had the Sugod-Bahay winner accommodated first.)

Alden carried a bouquet of flowers and handed it to the Sugod Bahay winner last 5 September 2015, Nanay Nena. Along with the flowers, Alden also handed the prize money that YayaDUB won in the ALDUB Battle For A Cause episode. Nanay Nena was very thankful. She thanked Alden and YayaDUB. Alden then asked her if there is any message she has for everyone. She simply replied “Kung totoo ang pagmamahal, pagbigyan.” (If love is true, give it a chance). She viewed the love between Alden and YayaDUB (whom Alden addresses as “Maine”) as true. Alden then said “Maine, binigay ko na.” (Maine, I already gave it to her)
It was consistent to Lola Nidora’s advice. Alden and YayaDUB should use their talents to make other people happy. And Nanay Nena was also referred to as the one who greeted Bossing’s engagement before it was even confirmed. So would her blessing work on the ALDUB 2nd Monthsary too? Alden openly hoped that the next monthsary or weeksary would be spent with YayaDUB herself. Nanay Nena then wished that she would end up with Alden.

YayaDUB wrote on her clipboard “Sana” (I wish). Alden then replied with a message on his clipboard. He said “E di ngayon na!” (Then make it today!) YayaDUB then scribbled her message without letting go of the stems of roses handed to her. She marked the day Alden agreed with Nanay Nena when she said “Sana magkatuluyan kayong dalawa”. 16 September 2015 at 2:15pm. “Panindigan mo yan” (Stand up for it) YayaDUB scribbled further.
Alden wrote “What’s bound to happen will find its way”. Both YayaDUB and Alden were scribbling at the same time. So they ended up revealing their messages at the same time. Alden wrote “Darating din ang tamang panahon.” (The right time will eventually come.) YayaDUB on the other hand wrote “Paalam ka muna sa tatay ko.” (Ask permission from my Dad first.) YayaDUB then cleared which Dad – YayaDUB’s Dad, Dodong. The ALDUB 2nd Monthsary ended up looking like a few steps short of an engagement party.
[Dodong has yet to be revealed as a character in the ALDUB KalyeSerye. The part where YayaDUB’s mother is being searched is still hanging in the balance though. No confirmation in the ALDUB 2nd Monthsary episode if they still plan to push through with unearthing YayaDUB’s identity. Lines are starting to get blurred between YayaDUB the fictional character and Maine Mendoza playing the role of Lola Nidora’s nanny. So we have yet to see if that angle would be revived.]

Alden went back to serenading YayaDUB. When was the last time men serenaded women to woo them? It’s the kind of charm that very few men now do. Alden then wrote on his clipboard “Ready na ako!” (I am ready!) Just when YayaDUB and Alden are getting in on with their clipboard exchange, Lola Nidora interfered. Lola Nidora revealed that she has a gift for the couple too. And the truck horn abruptly sounded off. Bossing got a little concerned. ALDUB might end up getting married ahead of him. Fellow Eat Bulaga founding father Joey de Leon assured him that it will not happen. He will not let it happen. What if Bossing’s wedding to fellow dabarkads Pauleen Luna would be done today? Bossing though had some film shootings in hand. So the idea was shelved. For now.
Would it be a double wedding for ALDUB and the Bossing/Pauleen couple? Even Bossing himself is getting deep into the ALDUB 2nd Monthsary himself. What could possibly be Lola Nidora’s gift for Alden and YayaDUB then? Tune in to Eat Bulaga. Monday to Saturday at noontime. Like Eat Bulaga’s official Facebook page to catch the ALDUB 2nd Monthsary episode replay. Follow them on Twitter @EatBulaga to send feedback, comments and suggestions.
Things are getting rosier and rosier as seen in the ALDUB 2nd Monthsary episode. More episode recaps underway plus some sidelights. All you have to do is follow us on our social media accounts too. Like our official Facebook page, The Philippines Web. And follow us on Twitter @pinasamazing. Much appreciated.